General Liability Insurance

Who enters your business space each day? Whether it’s clients who visit your office space, customers who shop at your retail store, or delivery people who bring supplies to your warehouse, you can protect your business against third-party lawsuits or claims for bodily or personal injury or medical bills with general liability coverage.

General Liability Insurance

General liability protects your business against the real threat of a third-party claim. Even the smallest incident can lead to a costly lawsuit in today’s litigious society. If a delivery person slips on a warehouse floor dropping off a package, or a customer trips and falls inside your florist shop, or a customer falls down the stairs outside your office, it could result in a claim for damage or injuries. If you have to go to court to defend your business, legal fees, lawyer fees, court costs, defense costs, settlement and judgements can add up quickly.

What Does General Liability Cover?

General liability insurance covers claims for everyday business exposures, such as:

  • Bodily Injury

  • Medical Bills

  • Property Damage

  • Personal or Advertising Injury

  • Completed Products or Operations

  • Product Liability

Protecting your business means defending yourself against the financial risk of lawsuits and claims from people who may be injured in or near your building. Whether you’re at fault or not, defending your business takes time and money. For many businesses, one single lawsuit could be devastating. No matter what your business size, scope, or specialty, general liability is the foundation of a strategic defense.


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